Yesterday I went to see the movie
with a friend, mainly attracted, like many other people I guess, by the male
actors (especially Joe Manganiello) and the striptease scenes. I can't deny
that Channing Tatum is a handsome actor, but personally I'm not really a fan of his, and I was also a
bit worried that his character would resemble the poor guy with a difficult
existence but great ambitions, who I've seen in
some of his previous movies. I hoped anyway that the main character's story would
be interesting, seeing that the director Steven Soderbergh has made some pretty
good movies before, like Erin Brockovich and the Ocean trilogy.
For those who don't know what the movie is about, it tells the story of a 30-something year-old man, Mike, who dreams of running his own business (customized pieces of furniture), but because of the economic recession he makes a living by doing various jobs, including being a stripper in a club called Xquisite.
Despite the good premise, and the social topic, I was
rather disappointed. The striptease scenes are funny and hot for sure, but after some time they get repetitive, and the movie didn't
move me at all. I wasn't able to emotionally connect with Mike's character, not even towards the
end, when he's obviously overpowered by the events and doesn't know which
direction to take. Maybe because in the movie there are more goliardic moments
than serious ones, or maybe because the scenes that should make the spectator reflect are
too short and superficial. Adam's
character is one of the things that annoyed me the most. I wasn't certainly
expecting him to suddenly grow up in the
last ten minutes, considering that he's only a 19 year-old boy, but overall his
character is bland and forgettable. Exactly like his sister. About that...I get that the actress was playing the biased,
responsible sister, but in all honesty I found her perennial pout rather
unpleasant to watch. It's not that she wasn't
pretty, but her expressions made it hard for me to like her character till the very end.
Overall I would rate this movie
2,5 out of 5 (but 4 out of 5 for the fan
service ;) ) Magic Mike is definitely overrated because for once it's the men who get objectified, and that's something new. I don't think that's the bad part of the movie, but the story that comes with it. It was boring.
And please forgive my limited use of English and eventual grammar mistakes, I'm always trying to improve :D