mercoledì 9 giugno 2010

Odd weather, strange mood and a curious diet

I should probably be studying right now, but the weather is so hot (it's not even sunny!) that I can hardly get up from the sofa. I'm really sensitive to the weather throughout the whole year, and that's why I'm a bit moody. It's a family trait O_O
But there's another thing that has been bothering me lately. About a month ago I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder called "celiac disease", that has been spreading like crazy in the past few years. It's an intolerance to a protein (gluten) found in wheat and some other cereals, and the only cure for it is not to eat food containing that protein for the rest of my life. That means NO MORE BREAD, PIZZA, COOKIES, CAKES....... well, at least the ones I used to buy at the supermaket or at the bakery. I have to buy that stuff at the chemist's now, where they sell products specifically made without gluten. But it's hard getting used to them, 'cause the taste is quite different and variety still lacks, especially for bread. Checking your food is not really a problem when you eat at home, but when you decide to eat outside or go on a holiday, it gets complicated, because you can't always know what's inside your dish, or you need to find a restaurant that makes food for people with gluten intolerance. There aren't many around yet, but I'm hopeful since restaurateurs have slowly started to realize they need to adapt to this new situation.

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Things that make me happy today:
- my once white and now yellow painted bedroom walls :) the new colour is lovely
- my newly arranged summer holiday in Portugal with my friends (despite the fact that Lisbon is full of pastry shops and I won't be able to eat any pastries, or at least without feeling guilty!)

"Just living is not enough" said the butterfly fairy, "one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower."
Hans Christian Andersen

3 commenti:

  1. Hi! Sorry, I'm not sure, is it okay if I comment?^^ (I added you and all)
    It's really sad when something's limited in your life. I've had allergies and a poor stomach ever since I was born, so I understand you.
    I can't eat tons of things and what's more, recently I've been having trouble with throat, because it's summer and everything's blooming.

    Don't be sad about it though, it's not THAT big of a problem, you'll soon get used to controlling what you eat^^

    I guess I'm also moody because of the weather, but when it's raining non-stop, I stop reacting.

    And have a good trip to Portugal!

  2. Hi Jane, thanks for adding me! If it's ok I'm going to add you too.
    Never thought someone would stumble in this blog and be interested about my rants :) Guess we all have our share of allergies to deal with. I'm just glad I don't feel unwell when once in a while I eat something I shouldn't. The damage comes on the long term, that means if I keep eating wrong food everyday, so I can allow myself to slip up sometimes.
    My trip to Portugal is in August, I still feel it's too long away. Have you ever been there? It's the first time for me.

  3. Oh, I just stumbled upon your blog randomly, don't even remember how. My own blog had been closed to anyone for a while. At least I don't wanna let anyone I know from my city to read it xD
    And then it's even easier for you. Just learn to love other food^^
    I havne't been to Portugal, my ex bf was from Portugal though (I never got there though). They sure are some energetic people xD
    The only countries I've ever been to are the US, England and Bulgaria^^
